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What is this game?
Thirty Flights of Loving is:
What's included in this download?
What platforms is this game available on?
It's available on:
Who made this game?
- Brendon Chung
- Idle Thumbs
- music by Chris Remo
- additional audio by Jared Emerson-Johnson and AJ Locascio
What technology is this game based on?
Thirty Flights of Loving is based on:
Where can I purchase the soundtrack?
Click here to purchase the soundtrack. The soundtrack was composed and performed by Chris Remo.
Where can I get the source code?
Thirty Flights of Loving's source code can be found at my github.
The game is crashing during the level load.
I'm currently looking into this. In the meantime:a. Go to C:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\thirty_flights_of_loving
b. Right-click tfol.exe
c. Select Properties > Compatibility
d. Check on 'Run this program in compatibility mode for'
e. In the dropdown box, select Windows 98
f. Run the game.
a. Go to C:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\thirty_flights_of_loving
b. Right-click tfol.exe
c. Select Properties > Compatibility
d. Check on 'Disable desktop composition'
a. Press tilde (located next to "1")
b. Type in: map lob1
c. Press enter.
How can I get the game?
You can purchase Thirty Flights of Loving via:
Who made the trailer video?
The incomparable duo of Jake Rodkin and Chris Remo.
Who made the Mac port?
The Mac port was made by these fine folks:
How can I use a custom resolution?
Do this:
- Run the game.
- Press tilde (next to "1").
- Type in: r_mode -1
- Type in: r_customwidth 1024
- Type in: r_customheight 768
- Type in: vid_restart
How can I start the game in a custom resolution?
You can set command-line parameters. Do this:
- In the Steam Library, right-click on Thirty Flights of Loving
- Select 'Properties'
- Select 'Set Launch Options'
- Type in:
+set r_mode -1 +set vid_fullscreen 0 +set r_customwidth 1024 +set r_customheight 768
The game starts, but I just see a black screen.
Please try starting the game with a custom resolution, as described in the above section: 'How can I start the game in a custom resolution?'
What DRM does the game have?
Thirty Flights of Loving doesn't use any DRM or copy protection. Blendo Games believes in giving our supporters the smoothest game experience possible.
In the Mac version, I get this error message:
*** setObjectForKey: object cannot be nil (key:MSFont)
*** setObjectForKey: object cannot be nil (key:MSFont)
- Open 'Font Book'
- Select 'File'
- Select 'Restore Standard Fonts'
This FAQ totally doesn't answer my question.
Email me at brendon@blendogames.com