Frequently-Asked Questions
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What is this?
Gravity Bone is a first-person short story. The entire thing takes about 20-30 minutes to play. It's free.
Where can I get it?
You can get Gravity Bone from or
Steam. It is a free download.
When was it made?
Gravity Bone was released in September 2008.
What tech does Gravity Bone use?
Gravity Bone uses the
Quake II engine by
id Software.
It uses
KMQuake II, an engine port created by Knightmare.
It uses Lazarus, a level designer package by David Hyde and Mad Dog.
Who made Gravity Bone?
Brendon Chung did the design, art, and code.
Where can I get Gravity Bone's source code?
You can get the the source code
from my github.
Help! The game doesn't run
Unfortunately, the game's code base is very ancient and very dusty (10+ years old), so I can't make any promises. But, I can take a quick look at the problem.
Email me the details at
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