Automation Tools
Some time ago I watched a fantastic DevOps talk by Seth Coster, and it inspired me to make my own set of automation tools. Here they are!
Blendo Build Machine
- What does it do: Allows teammates to get the project’s latest source code and compile a new build with the click of one button.
- How it’s useful: This tool removes me as a bottleneck for new builds. Teammates can generate a new build whenever they like.
- Download: download / source code
Blendo Steam Uploader
- What does it do: GUI interface for uploading builds to Steam.
- How it’s useful: Simpler to use than the command-line interface, batch files, etc.
- Download: download / source code
Blendo Itch Uploader
- What does it do: GUI interface for uploading builds to
- How it’s useful: Simpler to use than the command-line interface, batch files, etc.
- Download: download / source code
Discord Changelog Bot
- What does it do: Posts all source control changelog messages into a Discord channel.
- How it’s useful: Helps keep team updated on build changes.
- Source code: source code
Trello Bot
- What does it do: Posts Trello board updates into a Discord channel.
- How it’s useful: Helps keep team updated on bugfixes/features.
- Source code: source code
Et al
Mental fatigue sucks. An annoying manual process may only take several seconds, but compounded dozens of times every week, over months and months, will ultimately have a toll.
The purpose of these automation tools is to reduce friction, reduce manual processes, and reduce opportunities for errors and mistakes. I hope it helps!