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What is Skin Deep?

Skin Deep:

Can I buy Skin Deep now?

Not yet! In the meantime, you can wish-list Skin Deep on Steam.

Does Skin Deep have a release date?

April 30, 2025.

How can I follow Skin Deep's development?

What platform will Skin Deep be available on?

Skin Deep will be available on Windows 10 and above.

How much does Skin Deep cost?

The price has not been announced yet.

Where can I get Skin Deep's soundtrack?

The soundtrack is not yet released but will be available soon.

Who is making Skin Deep?

Blendo Games is the development studio making Skin Deep. The folks making the game are: Skin Deep features a series of guest writers, including contributions from: Skin Deep has extensive voice acting, featuring performances from:

What languages are supported?

Skin Deep has English text and English voiceover audio, and includes full text translations for:

When did development of Skin Deep start?

Skin Deep development began around July 2018. During this period, I was also sharing my time with contributing level design and art for another game.

In early 2020, I began full-time development of Skin Deep.

Is Skin Deep going to take 4+ years of development time like your previous game Quadrilateral Cowboy?

I hope not. (update: oops...)

What technology does Skin Deep use?

Skin Deep is based on dhewm3, a modified port of the idTech4 engine.

Why does Skin Deep use idTech4?

Who made the trailer videos?

  1. Announcement trailer - Brendon Chung
  2. Annapurna Announcement trailer - Brendon Chung
  3. Gameplay trailer - Brendon Chung
  4. Release Date Trailer - Derek Lieu

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