IndieCade 2011

Last weekend, the IndieCade festival took over downtown Culver City. You can think of it as an art walk where you get to play independent video games.

Gallery halls commandeered by gaming laptops and installations. A firehouse packed to the walls with folks playing really fun, weird stuff. It’s glorious. Brief notes on some of the things I saw:

This is just a few of the showings. For the full list of all the IndieCade 2011 games, check ‘em out here.

One of the most wonderful things about IndieCade is that it’s smack dab in the middle of downtown Culver City, so a lot of visitors were people who just happened to be passing by. There’s something wonderful about such a diverse cross section of the population getting exposed to these games - natch, not just games, but these beautifully daring pieces of work.

If you’re in the LA area, make it a point to visit next year.